Dock diving has been in the Netherlands since approximately 14 years of active dog sports. This sport already exists in the USA 27 very popular every year. Every healthy dog, from 15 months, Anyone who enjoys swimming can participate, but it is often the working dog types that excel in this sport. This is because of their work- a booty drive.
With dock diving there are 4 disciplines. The dog always starts by learning the Big Air part. This is the basis for this sport. The handler learns to throw the dummy correctly, so that the dog ultimately achieves the best result. The goal of Big Air is to make the dog jump as far as possible. The distance is measured from the edge of the dock. It is therefore important that the dog jumps as close as possible from that edge of the dock (or even pushes off at the front of the edge) so as not to lose distance. This is recorded with digital measuring equipment, The jumps are stopped in 'near real time' and viewed again in order to make an exact digital measurement. This is done to the nearest centimetre. In the Netherlands, the distance is measured from the dock to the base of the dog's tail, at the moment where the dog 'breaks' the water.
De 2e discipline is Extreme Vertical: the aim of this is a height jump, where the dog takes the dummy from an extender. Depending on the class the dog is in, hangs the extender at different distances from the dock. The height is determined by the handler and must increase at least 5cm per jump. The dog that jumps the highest height, has won.
The 3rd part is Speed Retrieve: the dummy is hung in an extender at the end of the pool and the dog must retrieve it as quickly as possible and swim back to the dock. The time starts as soon as the dog starts 4 paws is loose from the dock and stops as soon as the dog moves 4 legs back on the dock.
The last part is Fetch-it, also called air retrieve: this is a combination of Big Air and Extreme Vertical. The dummy is jumped from the mobile extender. The difference is that the dummy does not hang at a height but at a distance approximately 75cm above the water level. The dog that travels the furthest distance, has won. We also jokingly call it 'precision jumping'.
The main training location of Dock Diving Academy is located in Druten. There are also locations in Rotterdam and Maasbree. The competitions are held in Druten and elsewhere 2 locations are mentioned in particular (beginners) workshops given. Each participant starts with a beginners workshop, Here, together with experienced trainers, an attempt is made to get the dog to jump from the dock. The 1st round during this workshop is always with a lowering plateau. This plateau hangs just above the water level. If a dog does this without too much doubt, then the dog will continue without this plateau. When the trainers see that the plateau hinders the dog in the jump, then the dog continues immediately without a lowering plateau.
The owner also receives throwing training during this workshop. This explains how the dummy can best be thrown and why this is important. The owner's timing and throw ultimately determines a large part of the distance the dog jumps. There are also advanced workshops available., be included in this every time 2 (Others) disciplines practiced. If the beginners workshop has been followed, then you can participate in a competition. Here are different classes in which the dog is classified based on his or her height at the withers.
Dock Diving Academy organizes several activities during the season, such as a seminar, meetings, workouts, the Dutch Championship and we even went to the European Championship in Dortmund. Several members of the team won various prizes there!
In January 2024 Dock Diving Academy has been invited to a very big European show, My Dog in Göthenborg in Zweden 4 to give demos and training for days. We have also been there for several years 3 days in a row at Animal Event and various breed associations ask to combine their club day with a day of Dock Diving.
Currently the records are per component
Big Air: a whippet, Fergus, 7.05 meter
Extreme Vertical: Mitch, X-Malinois with 2.50 meter
Fetch it: Muppet a Lynn, resp. malinois and dutch shepherd, 6.75 meter
text: Demoteam Dock Diving Academy
Photo: Xanu created by Shanna Hummeling