De Mechelse Herder

The Belgian Malinois is a medium size, athletically built dog with a proud carriage and a 'high drive' personality. This breed is used for many purposes including: tracking, police K9, herding, agility, obedience and protection sports. Other names - Malinois, Chien de Berger Belge, Mechelaars Life Expectancy - 12 to 14 years “The Belgian Malinois is the official dog for the United States Secret Service and are used in great numbers in the US Military and Police forces.”

History of the Malinois

History of the shepherd
In Germany, France, Netherlands, Belgium and other Western European countries grew faster than the major industrial cities in the Balkans and Eastern European countries. This not only meant that predators were less, but also that the population became increasingly aware of the excellent qualities of the sheep dogs in the various regions. In the second half of the 19th century, this led, that more and more attention was given to dogs of a particular type, although there are still major differences from one area to another area.

So was the situation in Belgium at the end of the 19th century. There were quite a lot of very different types of herding dogs. The size of the dogs was quite similar and most of those shepherd dogs were so around 50 cm high. They were known as temperamental dogs, which was a great help to the shepherd, but they were rather suspicious of strangers. The dogs were striking square building and they had pretty light bones. They were no more good withstand the often harsh conditions under which they had to work. They were working dogs and their outstanding role in the herd was clearly a necessity of life for these dogs.

De Mechelse Herder
The short-haired sheepdog, also referred to as the short-haired Scheper, came in his best shape around the turn of the century for near Antwerp, the area in the direction of the Dutch border, and further in North Brabant. They were usually owned by farmers which they have carried out their important daily tasks. These dogs appeared quite similar in shape and they were prof. Reul described as: "They are the size of a fox or wolf, are short haired and pale color brindle; their ears are admirable law, pointed and fine, open and carried forward. Other features are the pointed snout, the pitch-black nose, Well behaved tail, almost level but slightly higher at the end and hairy shape of an ear of corn '.

Partly on the advice of Prof.. Reul was in Mechelen using some enthusiasts 1898 the 'Mechelen Club to improve the Kortharigen Sheep Dog’ Founded. This Mechelen Club became a ward of the Club du Chien de Berger Belge '. The aim was to achieve an improvement of the types of the short-haired Belgian Shepherd, as was bred especially around the city of Mechelen.

Until the year 1899 Belgian Sheepdogs in the aforementioned three groups were divided, namely long-, rough- in kortharen, wherein the color of the dog did not play any role. In 1899 was by the Club du Chien de Berger Belge taken a unilateral decision on the distribution of hair color, without including the Mechelen Club was known. It was suggested the three varieties the following solid colors: black for the longhaired, salt and pepper to shaggy, in leeuwkleurig (fawn) with black mask for the short-haired. Mechelen Club dubbed the decision of the club head as a sort of coup ', because they had a very different view on the short-haired sheepdog.

For all had to work their dogs because dogs. Not the appearance of the dog was decisive, so they proposed, but the combination of external and internal. They prefer well-trained dogs, and are also well built and prevent a 'cool and smart’ had. The color of the dog was not very important for them. They wanted to avoid at all costs that the Malinois would fall into a kind of luxury dog ​​and the breed would lose his great character.

Origin: Belgium
Other names: Malinois

Character Malinois

The Malinois is best known for his willingness to work, tenacity, competitive intelligence, hardness, attention, slyness, bravery, etc.. He is also very loyal and also very watchful. The Malinois protected his family and their possessions very convincingly against malicious. Therefore it is widely used today as police. The Malinois is a volatile and temperamental dog who can be dominant. If you have a good relationship with your dog and you are it can also be kept in a kennel working with him. They also are very attached to their boss.

Standard of the Malinois

Brief History of the breed: At the end of the year 1880 in Belgium there were a large number of dogs that drove the herds. The type was varied and whose coats were extremely dissimilar. With the aim of establishing what things right shape oaths some enthusiastic dog group. They sought guidance considered by Professor A.Reul the ewadrden the real pioneer and founder of the breed. The breed was officially established between 1891 in 1897. On 29 september 1891 was in Brussels “Club Belgian Shepherd Dog” and founded on 15 November of the same year organized Prof. A.Reul a meeting of Cureghem 117 dogs, which allowed him to carry the file and select the best specimens. The following years they began a real fokselectie, by applying very close interbreeding few stud dogs. On 3 april 1892 was by the “Club Belgian Shepherd Dog” a first already, detailed breed standard drawn up. One single breed was allowed, with three coat varieties. Nevertheless, as was said at, The Belgian was Shepherd only of `small luiden`, a race so dasdasat still lacked prestige. This resulted only in 1901 the first Belgian Shepherds in the pedigree of the Royal Society Saint-Hubert (L.O.S.H.) were enrolled. Over the years that followed took the drivers shepherd hobby determined the task to unify the type and correct the mistakes. It must be said that by 1910 the type and temperament of the Belgian Shepherd had been established. In the course of the history of the breed has the problem of the different varieties and the authorized colors given rise to many controversies. However, in contrast thereto, there have never been differences of opinion regarding the physique of the Berlgische Shepherd, his character and his work construction.

General Appearance: The Belgian Shepherd is a dog, harmoniously proportioned, which combines elegance with power. He is medium, dry, strong muscle, fitting into a square, rustic, accustomed to the open air life and built to resist the frequent atmospheric variations of the Belgian climate. Through the harmony of its shape and its high head, the Belgian Shepherd should give the impression of that elegant strength, which has become the heritage of the selected representatives of a working breed. The Belgian Shepherd is to be judged in its natural stance, without physical contact with the handler.

Important proportions: Belgian Shepherd dog can be fitted into a square. The chest is let down to the elbow height. The muzzle is equal to or slightly more than half of the dashoofdlengte.

Behavior / Character: The Belgian Shepherd is a watchful and active dog, bursting with energy, and always ready to leap into action, sometimes a malinois is a tad dominant. His inborn aptitude for guarding flocks, it also possesses the highly prized qualities of the best guard dog house and yard. He is, without the slightest hesitation, the hardnekdadkige and ardent defender of his master. He unites all the qualities required for a shepherd, Watchdog, defense- and to be policedog. Its lively, alert temperament and its confident nature, without fear or aggressiveness, aduit have the attitude of his body and the proud attentive expression in its sparkling eyes. During the inspection should take into consideration its calm and fearless’ character.

Head: carried high, long without overdrijadving, rectilinear, well chiselled and dry. The skull and muzzle are roughly equal in length, with at most a slight bias in favor of the muzzle, what gives it the impression of a perfect finish.

Sheath Lada Area: Moderately broad, in relation to the length of the head, forehead flat rather than round, the frontal groove not very pronounced, in profile, parallel to imaginary line extending muzzle line, occipital crest little developed, wenkbrauadaw- and zygomatic arches not outstanding.

Stop: moderate

Nose: black
Snout: Medium length and well chiselled under the eyes, naardad gradually narrowing the nose, in the form of an elongated wedge, Nasal bridge straight and parallel to the continuation of the topline of the forehead, mouth well split, which means that when the mouth is open, the jaws apart, the lips are pulled back.
Lippendaa: dun, tight and strongly pigmented.
Jaws / Teeth: Strong, white teeth, regularly and strongly set in well-developed jaws. "Scissor bite ', The 'bite', which is preferred by sheep and livestock herders, is tolerated. Full set of teeth, according to the dental formula, the absence of two premolars (2 P1) is tolerated and the molars 3 (M3) are not taken into account.
Wangen: dry and well falcon, but muscular.
Eyes: medium size, yet uitpuilend, yet diepliggend, slightly almond-shaped, slanting, brownish, preferably dark, eye rims black, de blik is direct, lively, intelligent and inquiring.
Oren: rather small, high set, distinctly triangular appearance, well-rounded outer ear, pointed tips, tight, upright and vertical when dog is alert.

Throat: Well standing, something long, rather upright, well muscled, towards the shoulders gradually widening, without dewlap, nape slightly arched.

Romp: Powerful without being heavy, the length, from the tip to the rump, is approximately equal to the height at withers.
Topline: the line of back and loins is straight.
Withers: signed.
Rug: vast, short and muscular.
Loin: firm, short, sufficiently broad, well muscled.
Cross: well muscled, only very slightly sloping, sufficiently broad, but without exaggeration.
Breast: little wide, but well deep, upper side of ribs vaulted, for breast seen from the front little wide, but also do not narrow
Underline: Begins below the chest and rises gently in a harmonious curve towards the belly, neither depending, nor may whippety, but slightly raised and moderately developed.

Tail: Well set, strong at the base, medium, at least to hock, but preferably further, at rest carried down, the end at the height of the jumps slightly curved towards the rear, more raised, but not carried above the horizontal, the curve towards the tip becoming more pronounced, but without ever having to form a hook or deviation.

Front Limbs:
Overall picture: Bone solid, but not heavy, musculature dry and strong, The front legs are straight when seen from all sides and perfectly parallel seen from the front.
Shoulders: Shoulder blade long and oblique, good adjacent, with the humerus forming a sufficient angle, which in the ideal case, amounts to 100-115 °.
Opperarm: Long and sufficiently oblique.
Elbow: vast, yet afstaand, neither pressed
Forearm: long s right
Pols: very firm and clean
Metacarpus: Strong and short as much as possible perpendicular to the ground or only very slightly sloping forward
For Feet: round, kattenvoeten, toes arched and well closed, pads thick and elastic, nails dark and strong.

Hind limbs:
Overall picture: powerful, but not heavy; aside from the position of the hind limbs are upright and seen from behind perfectly parallel
Know: gemiddels only, broad and well muscled.
Knee: Approximately in line with the hip; angulation normal.
Lower thigh: Medium length, broad and muscular.
Jump: low to the ground, broad and muscular; moderate angulation.
Metatarsis: Solid and short; dewclaws not desirable.
Hindfeet: may be light oval; toes arched and well closed; pads thick and elastic; nails dark and strong

Gangwerk: The movement is lively and fairly at all gaits; the Belgian Shepherd is a good galloper, but its normal gaits are the walk and especially the trot; the limbs move parallel to the median plane of the body (going right). The feet are at high speed closer to the median plane; at the trot the reach is medium, the movement even and easy, with a good drive of the hind limbs, and the topline remains tight while the front legs are not lifted too high. The Belgian Shepherd is constantly moving and seems tireless; its gait is fast, springy and lively. He is able to get into full speed suddenly changing direction (is `agile '); Due to its exuberant character and its desire to guard and protect, He has expressed a tendency to move in circles.

Skin: elastic, but on the whole body and taut; edges of lips and eyelids strongly pigmented.

Coat and Varieties: because the hair in the Belgian shepherd dogs varies in length, appearance and color, if this criterion was chosen to make a distinction between the four varieties of the breed: of Groenendaeler, de Tervuerense herder, the Malinois and Laekenois.
These four varieties are judged separately and can each variety may be a separate proposal for a CAC, een C.A.C.I.B. of reserves.
Coat Types: In all the varieties the hair must always be closed, good adjacent, of good texture, with the woolly undercoat forming an excellent protective.

LONG HAIR: the hair is short on the head, on the outside of the ears and the lower limbs of the, except on the rear side of the forearm, which is covered by the elbow to the wrist with long hairs, `which fringes’ are called. The hair is long and smooth on the rest of the body and longer and more abundant around the neck and on the chest, where a `collar’ and a 'frill’ of `bef’ forms. The opening of the air is protected by thick hair. From the base of the ear the hair is upright and frames the head. The back of the thighs is covered with very long abundant hair, that `pants’ forms. The tail is covered with long, abundant hair a `spring’ or `plume ‘ forms.
The Groenendael and the Tervueren are the long-haired.

SHORT HAIR: The hair is very short on the head, on the outside of the ears and the lower limbs of the. It is short over the rest of the body and fuller at the tail and around the neck, where it forms a neck collar, which begins at the base of the ear and, stretching as far as the throat. In addition, the back of the thighs with longer hair is feathered. The tail is ear of corn but does not tail feather.
The Malinois is the short-haired.

RUWHAAR: which characterizes the rough foremost is the roughness and dryness of the hair, moreover, is rasping and tousled. The hair length is about 6 cm and over the whole body equally, shorter on the nose, the forehead and the limbs. Neither the hair around the eyes, nor the hairs that cover the muzzle should be developed so that they hide the shape of the head. The muzzle is nevertheless required. The tail should not form a plume.
De Laekense herder is de ruwharige.

Coat colors:
Mask: For Tervueren and Malinois the mask must be very pronounced and tend to encompass the top- in of onderlippen, to comprise the corners of the mouth and the eyelids in a single black zone. The mask is a strict minimum of six points of skin pigmentation: de beide oren, the two upper eyelids and the two top- in onderlippen, which must be black.

Black overlay (charbonné): For Tervueren and Malinois, the black overlay means that his hair with black tips, allowing the base color. This blackening is in any case `flamed’ and must not be as large plates, nor as a real stripes (current) show. In the Laekenois the black shading is more discreetly expressed.

Groenendaeler: Only uniform black.

Tervuerense herder: only black overlay fawn (fawn) gray and black overlay (gray-black overlay), with black mask; the black flamed fawn color remains however preferable. The fawn (tawny) should be warm, yet light, yet uitgewassen. Any dog ​​whose coat color is anything but fawn black overlay or does not match the desired intensity, can not be considered as an elite dog.

Malinois: only black overlay fawn (fawn), with black mask

Laekense herder: Only fawn (tawny), with traces of black overlay (charbonné), mainly on the muzzle and the tail.

All varieties: a little white on chest and toes is tolerated.

Size, weight en maten:
Height: the desired height is average
° 62 cm for males,
° 58 cm for females.

Confines: down 2 cm, upwards 4 cm.

° males about 25 – 30 kg,
° bitches about 20 – 25 kg.

Body measurements: Average normal measures for an adult male Belgian Shepherd has a height of 62 cm:
° Body length (from point to point of buttock): 62 cm.
° Head Length: 25 cm.
The Snuitlengte: 12,5 to 13 cm.

Errors: Any deviation from the above must be regarded as an error, which is punished according to its seriousness.
° General Appearance: cumbersome, without elegance; te licht of te tenger; longer than high,
fitting into a rectangle.
° Head: heavy, too powerful, without parallel, sufficiently chiselled or dry; forehead
round; stop too pronounced or too flat; muzzle too short or pinched; ramsneus; eyebrow- of
zygomatic arches too prominent
° Neusspiegel, lips, eyelids: traces of depigmentation.
° Teeth: badly aligned incisors.
Heavy Error: the absence of one cutting tooth (1 I), one premolar 2 (1 P2), one premolar 3 (1 P3), or three premolars 1 (3 P1).
° Eyes: light, round
° Oren: great, only, too broad at the base, low implanted, divergent of convergent.
° neck: sea; kort of diepliggend.
° Romp: To stretch; thoracic cage too broad (cylindrical).
° Withers: flat, low
° Topline: back and / or loins long, weak, sagging or arched.
° Cross: too inclined, overbuilt
° Underline: too deep or too shallow; too much belly.
° Tail: low starting; carried too high, forming a hook, deflecting.
° Limbs: too light or too heavy bone; bad upright stance in profile (bv. too angled
front pasterns or weak wrists), from the front (bv. inward or outward foot stand,
elbows out, etc.) or from the rear (bv. hind legs close, wide apart or barreled,
hakkeneng of hakkenwijd, etc.); too little or too exaggerated angulation.
° Feet: spreidtenen.
° Gangwerk: moving close, too short a stride, too little drive, poor back transmission, steppende gang (high trot).
° Coat: The four varieties: insufficient undercoat.
Groenendaeler in Tervueren: woolly hair, wavy or curly; her long enough.
Malinois: medium length hair where it should be short; gladhaar; harsh hairs scattered in the short; wavy hair.
Laekense: hair too long, silky, undulating, gekroesd of kort; filled with fine hairs, distributed in patches in the rough hair; hairs too long around
the eyes or on the lower jaw; bushy tail.
° Color: The four varieties: wide, deep, white patch ('Plastron'); white on the feet, going beyond toes.
Groenendaeler: reddish tinges in the coat; gray trousers.
Tervuerense: gray color.
Tervuren and Malinois: current; tints not warm enough; black overlay
insufficient or too much or slabs over the body; inadequate mask.
Tervuerense, Malinois and Laekenois: too light a fawn; a very diluted base color, Washed out’ called, is considered to be a
serious misconduct.
° Character: dogs with too little self-confidence or are overly nervous..

Disqualifying Faults:
° Character: aggressive or fearful dogs.
° General appearance: Lack of breed.
° Teeth: overshot; pre beets, even without loss of contact (inverse scissor); kruisgebit; the absence of a canine (1 C), an upper carnassial (1 P4) or below (1 M1), a molar (1 M1 of 1 M2, except M3), a premolar 3 (1 P3) plus another tooth, or a total of three teeth (excluding the premolars 1) of meer.
° Neusspiegel, lips, eyelids: strong depigmentation.
° Oren: drooping or artificially kept upright.
° Tail: missing or shortened, from birth or by docking; too high and carried annularly
or rolled
° Coat: lack of undercoat.
° Color: all colors that do not match the descriptions of the varieties; too widespread white markings on the chest, especially if they extend to the neck;white on the feet, it reaches higher than halfway up the front- or the back pasterns and forming socks; white markings anywhere other than on chest and toes; lack of mask, including a muzzle of lighter color than the rest of the coat in Tervueren and Malinois (conversely mask).
° Height:Outside the limits.

N.B.: Male animals should have two normal testicles, which are fully descended into the scrotum.

Intersections – inter varieties pairings: matings between varieties are forbidden, except in very special cases, when permission is granted by the competent national fokcommissies (text 1974, done at Paris)